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Fitness blogerica fotkala nevjerojatno ravan trbuh samo šest dana nakon porođaja

TRUDNOĆA i porođaj mijenjaju tijelo žene i mnoge majke muče se mjesecima, pa čak i godinama, do povratka u formu kakvom su se mogle pohvaliti prije trudnoće.

No to ne vrijedi u slučaju fitness blogerice Katrine Scott koja je prije 11 dana rodila kćer Isabelle Margaret. 34-godišnjakinja je objavila fotografiju kojom je pokazala nevjerojatno ravan trbuh samo šest dana nakon porođaja. Ipak, otkrila je kako na fotografiji i ona i kći nose pelene.

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I’ve been wanting to share this & I finally have my hands free! 💞Baby girl is all fed, diaper is changed, and she’s fast asleep…and my diaper is changed too…yup lol. So here it is…this is me just before I got pregnant vs 6 days after giving birth 💞 on the left I felt like I was the strongest & most in shape I had ever been— but wow was I wrong. I had no idea what I was capable of. I’m so much more proud of the body on the right. I fought harder for it, sacrificed so much more, embraced every day as it came, surrendered to all the change, pushed through the hard days & challenges with a smile on my face & kept a positive perspective when things got tough, worked harder than I ever have— at work & at home and on my mind, body, & soul, listened to my intuition and what was best for the little miracle growing inside me, and most of all— I showed myself how truly amazing the female body is. I appreciate and love my body & all that it has done more than I ever have before. I wanted to film this and share exactly where I’m at with you bc I don’t want anyone to ever think things are ‘perfect’. I weighed myself (I wouldn’t have done this, but I want to share in case any of you ever feel discouraged leaving the hospital after birth) I went in weighing 175 (up 40lbs) and left with a 7 pound baby in my arms weighing 165. I don’t recommend weighing yourself, but I want you to know that this is completely normal. We don’t leave all the baby weight at the hospital! We have a new journey ahead of us and it’s going to take self-love, patience, & kindness. I kept hearing from moms that when you get home you don’t recognize yourself or your body anymore and I want to make that okay. Let’s not be the same— let’s be different…let’s be stronger 💪 Do I want the body on the left? No~ I’m not the same girl. I’m capable of so much more now and I’m excited for my new body and what the future holds ~ tiger stripes 🐯, dimples and all! Please take a moment & tag a mom below and let her know how freaking beautiful, amazing, & remarkable she is 💫 Check in with her and ask if there’s anything she needs for her own goals, because u never know if she needs it 💛 love u girls

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“Na lijevoj fotografiji sam se osjećala snažno i u najboljoj formi, ali bila sam u krivu. Nisam imala pojma za što sam sposobna. Sada sam toliko ponosnija na vlastito tijelo. Borila sam se za to, toliko toga žrtvovala, prihvaćala dan za danom, predala se svim promjenama, prolazila sa smiješkom kroz teške dane koji su bili izazovni i razmišljala pozitivno kad nije bilo nimalo jednostavno. Bila sam upornija nego ikad”, napisala je Scott.

Novopečena majka shvatila je koliko je žensko tijelo nevjerojatno, a danas ga više voli i cijeni.

“Želja mi je da svi shvate da su promjene na tijelu uzrokovane trudnoćom i porođajem normalne. Želim poručiti mamama da ne moraju imati želju izgledati kao prije nakon što prođu kroz ovo čudesno iskustvo”, dodala je.

“Budimo drugačije, budimo snažnije. Želim li tijelo koje je prikazano na lijevoj fotografiji? Ne, nisam ta ista djevojka. Sposobnija sam za puno više i uzbuđena zbog svog novog tijela i onoga što budućnost donosi – strije, bore i ostalo”, zaključila je.




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