Home / Ličnosti / PUTERU, PUTERU, TREBA TI JUNAČINA..: Slavni glumac upecao 20 godina mlađu manekenku pa je ljubomorno ČUVA

PUTERU, PUTERU, TREBA TI JUNAČINA..: Slavni glumac upecao 20 godina mlađu manekenku pa je ljubomorno ČUVA

Zajedno su već osam godina, ali djeluju kao da su tek na početku ljubavne veze: glumac Jason Statham ne odvaja se od svoje zaručnice, manekenke Rosie Huntington-Whiteley pa je par zagrljen čak i kad biraju nove zavjese za svoj dom

Iako ih se ne može baš često uhvatiti zajedno, glumac Jason Statham i manekenka, bivša Viktorijina anđelica Rosie Huntington-Whiteley nisu prošli nezamijećeno kada su zagrljeni ušetali u trgovinu dizajnerice Rose Uniacke u Londonu. Par je izdvojio dva sata za biranje zavjesa i drugih detalja za dom kojima će ukrasiti stan, a cijelo to vrijeme bili su rijetki trenuci u kojima su se odvojili jedno od drugog.

BGUK_1413471 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY ** London, UNITED KINGDOM - *EXCLUSIVE* - *WEB MUST CALL FOR PRICING*Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley look to be having a make-over as they spend two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design. Jason Statham and fiancé former Victoria's Secrets supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley spent two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design, Rose Uniacke Interiors in Pimlico. Jason & Rosie looked in on her extensive shop. They also had a consultation below stairs where Rose has her design studio and office.Even though Jason and Rosie have been dating for 8 years, they still acted like lovebirds with both Jason and Rosie both putting their arms around each other and Jason even putting his hand on her bum!Jason & Rosie looked fabrics and they also took an interest in furniture, glassware and a vase. An assistant was also seen carrying a large tile into her shop next door so they could get an idea how the tile would look alongside other items.Pics taken: 22/11/2018Pictured: Jason Staham - Rosie Huntington-WhiteleyBACKGRID UK 24 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 398056882, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, XposurephotosProfimedia, XposurephotosBGUK_1413471 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY ** London, UNITED KINGDOM - *EXCLUSIVE* - *WEB MUST CALL FOR PRICING*Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley look to be having a make-over as they spend two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design. Jason Statham and fiancé former Victoria's Secrets supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley spent two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design, Rose Uniacke Interiors in Pimlico. Jason & Rosie looked in on her extensive shop. They also had a consultation below stairs where Rose has her design studio and office.Even though Jason and Rosie have been dating for 8 years, they still acted like lovebirds with both Jason and Rosie both putting their arms around each other and Jason even putting his hand on her bum!Jason & Rosie looked fabrics and they also took an interest in furniture, glassware and a vase. An assistant was also seen carrying a large tile into her shop next door so they could get an idea how the tile would look alongside other items.Pics taken: 22/11/2018Pictured: Jason Staham - Rosie Huntington-WhiteleyBACKGRID UK 24 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 398054959, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, XposurephotosProfimedia, XposurephotosBGUK_1413471 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY ** London, UNITED KINGDOM - *EXCLUSIVE* - *WEB MUST CALL FOR PRICING*Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley look to be having a make-over as they spend two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design. Jason Statham and fiancé former Victoria's Secrets supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley spent two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design, Rose Uniacke Interiors in Pimlico. Jason & Rosie looked in on her extensive shop. They also had a consultation below stairs where Rose has her design studio and office.Even though Jason and Rosie have been dating for 8 years, they still acted like lovebirds with both Jason and Rosie both putting their arms around each other and Jason even putting his hand on her bum!Jason & Rosie looked fabrics and they also took an interest in furniture, glassware and a vase. An assistant was also seen carrying a large tile into her shop next door so they could get an idea how the tile would look alongside other items.Pics taken: 22/11/2018Pictured: Jason Staham - Rosie Huntington-WhiteleyBACKGRID UK 24 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 398056892, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, XposurephotosProfimedia, Xposurephotos

Iako je zvijezda akcijskih filmova u kojima utjelovljuje opasne muškarce, Jason je kraj svoje zaručnice potpuno raznježen i zaljubljen kao da su tek na početku veze. 20 godina razlike nimalo ne utječe na njihovu vezu koja traje od 2010., a prije dvije godine su se odlučili i zaručiti. Vjenčanja još nije bilo, ali su zato početkom prošle godine postali roditelji – u veljači, godinu dana nakon zaruka, stigao je Jack Oscar Statham.

BGUK_1413471 - ** RIGHTS: WORLDWIDE EXCEPT IN ITALY ** London, UNITED KINGDOM - *EXCLUSIVE* - *WEB MUST CALL FOR PRICING*Jason Statham and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley look to be having a make-over as they spend two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design. Jason Statham and fiancé former Victoria's Secrets supermodel Rosie Huntington-Whiteley spent two hours with one of London's best kept secrets in interior design, Rose Uniacke Interiors in Pimlico. Jason & Rosie looked in on her extensive shop. They also had a consultation below stairs where Rose has her design studio and office.Even though Jason and Rosie have been dating for 8 years, they still acted like lovebirds with both Jason and Rosie both putting their arms around each other and Jason even putting his hand on her bum!Jason & Rosie looked fabrics and they also took an interest in furniture, glassware and a vase. An assistant was also seen carrying a large tile into her shop next door so they could get an idea how the tile would look alongside other items.Pics taken: 22/11/2018Pictured: Jason Staham - Rosie Huntington-WhiteleyBACKGRID UK 24 NOVEMBER 2018, Image: 398054937, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Xposurephotos

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