Home / Ličnosti / (FOTO) Hale Beri raskopčala na ulici i posljednje dugme!

(FOTO) Hale Beri raskopčala na ulici i posljednje dugme!

Holivudska glumica Hale Beri je zaista u odličnom treningu, a nedavno je na dodjeli “Matriks” nagrada pokazala svoje izvajano tijelo u neodoljivoj sako – haljini

 Hale je bez ustručavanja smjelo ponijela kreaciju koja je hit ove sezone, a koja je na trenutke “prijetila” da otkrije najintimnije dijelove njenog tela.

Djelovala je ležerno i opušteno, a za svoje dosadašnje angažovanje u filmskoj industriji dobila je specijalno priznanje od udruženja “New York Women in Communications”.

Iako je glumica najavila svoj sljedeći projekat, triler koji priprema, mnogo više pažnje posvećeno je njenom izgledu. 

Poznato je da je ona dijabetičar i da vodi računa o ishrani, a na svom Instagram nalogu objavila i zanimljivi snimak jednog njenog treninga. Uz toliko napora, ne čudi njen odličan izgled.

It’s #FitnessFriday and today Peter and I share with you our Tuff Tire Thursday workout and we bring it every Thursday rain or shine! We had a workout planned and it rained and we decided to stick with our plan. I have to say I felt so good that we didn’t let the rain defeat us. WE DID IT ANYWAY! So today I challenge you to do it anyway. No matter what comes up that threatened to derail your fitness plan, tell yourself “I win” and do it ANYWAY! For this workout we pulled out this ginormous tire and got busy. Finding an old used tractor tire is relatively easy. On my IG Stories and Fitness Highlight, you'll find 7 exercises that will give you a full body workout. They will challenge your overall body strength, core and even cardio. Do 10-20 reps of each exercise for 3-5 sets based on your fitness level. I’m also sharing my #keto lunch and snack for today. Enjoy ❤️ #FitnessFridayHB

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This #FitnessFriday is dedicated to the importance of stretching! After I work out, it’s important for me to stretch and lengthen. Fitness is not just about running, lifting and punching. For me, being athletic and super fit is also about being still, stretching and breathing. Including stretching in my fitness program helps my muscles stay long, limber, improves my mobility and range of motion and, most importantly, helps me avoid injuries. This is one of my favorite #yoga poses, the shoulder stand, that stretches my lower spine and legs. I feel 2 inches taller after this stretch! Some people use yoga poses to manage stress, increase circulation, for medication, recovery, better sleep, and mobility just to name a few. Check out my Fitness IG Story to see a stretch I like for hip mobility that lengthens my sides and for today's #keto meal. Today I challenge you to share your best yoga pose. If you don't have one, I encourage you to search for one, post about it, tag #FitnessFridayHB and tell me how it makes you feel. ❤️🙏🏽

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